Sound waves convert stem cells into bone in this research study. The healing power of sound is awesome. healing…
Don’t lose hope, spend this extra sheltering in place time to learn a song for your wedding! Surprise your beloved…
Great news from Complete Vocal Institute. Two peer-reviewed articles got accepted for publication in Journal of Voice, which is one of the…
For the past year, I have been teaching Complete Vocal Technique to my students. It’s the most scientific singing method…
In our most recent Every Body Can Sing workshop we found out one reason why British singers lose their accents…
The 19th century Italian schools of singing had alot of cool things to say about posture, and how it affects…
How is singing like dance? This workshop will help you find a new connection to your breath, body, and voice.…
Why do we sing those crazy ?/mi/ and /ni/ sounds in lessons? Here’s some really cool research on humming and…
“Seize the Very first possible opportunity to act on every resolution you make…” A New Year can be an opportunity…
Karma Recital SFCM Sposa Karma Raines, singing in 1993/1994 at San Francisco Conservatory of Music I love this aria, it…